
Pastoral Care

We believe that a supportive pastoral system plays an essential part in creating an orderly, purposeful and caring atmosphere in which all individuals can do their best.  The school has an enviable reputation for the support it gives to students.Wsa image

Tring School was awarded The Healthy Young Minds in Herts (HYMIH) School Accreditation in December 2020, having achieved kite mark status for our commitment to supporting pupils’ and teachers’ emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Pastoral Care Team

Led by Mrs Lucy Williams

Deputy Headteacher


The first port of call for students and parents is the Form Tutor, they see students daily during Tutor Time and lead a variety of activities to help develop their pastoral wellbeing and development as a confident individual and well rounded member of our community.  Tring School operates a vertical tutoring system and new students will be placed in mixed-age (6-8 students from each year group in school) tutor groups.

  • Either KS3 tutor groups for Years 7/8/9
  • or KS4 & 5 tutor groups for Years 10/11/12/13

Each tutor group is designated to one of our four Houses – Ascott, Claydon, Halton and Waddesdon, named after local stately homes.

Heads of House

  • Ascott - Miss E Goodyear
  • Claydon - Mrs S Langdon
  • Halton - Mr R Lovell
  • Waddesdon - Miss C Miles

We have a very competent and experienced team who oversee pastoral care issues and monitor behaviour and attendance.  Each Head of House is line managed by an Assistant Head Teacher.

Sixth Form

The Sixth Form represents a new beginning. However, students continue to benefit from the excellent pastoral care offered at Tring School. The Sixth Form team specialises in the needs of post-16 students and, as well as supporting students through their time in the Sixth Form, offers guidance on the next phase of their lives. The pastoral programme in the Sixth Form is geared towards the needs of young adults and covers issues such as study skills, preparation for university, citizenship and time management along with safe driving, fire safety, living away from home, sexual consent and drugs awareness talks.

At Tring School, students benefit from an experienced Sixth Form Team: a Head of Sixth Form, two Assistant Heads of Sixth Form (one overseeing each year group), a Student Support Manager, a UCAS Advisor and an Administrator. We operate an open door policy giving students access to guidance and support when needed. 

School Chaplain

"I’m here every day as a reminder to students and staff that our community, in school and in Tring, is based on love and faith." 

As a Church of England School, our faith is central to our commitment to education.  The School Prayer is said at every collective worship as a reminder of the values of the school, society and the Tring community.  We have a dedicated School Chaplain who provides additional support for students and staff experiencing personal issues and challenges within the school.  The School Chaplain aims to demonstrate a gentle and informative understanding of the belief system which is the foundation of our society through guidance based on the Gospels’ teachings, especially on truth and justice.


Please visit our Counselling and Guidance page.

Attendance Manager

As a school, our aim is for all students to reach a minimum attendance rate of 96% - unless there is a diagnosed medical or mental health reason why this is not possible. All student attendance is overseen by our Attendance Manager, who works alongside our pastoral team to help students achieve this goal. Should your child have any issues or concerns which may impact on their everyday attendance, please contact our Attendance Manager as soon as possible to ensure that the appropriate support can be put into place. 

If your child is too unwell to attend, please ensure that you notify the school as early as possible on each individual day of absence by completing the 'Absence Today' form on your child's Operoo account.  If your child needs to leave school to attend a medical appointment that can not be booked outside of school hours, you can notify the school using the 'Future Absence' form. 

Please click here to view the Attendance Ladder

Pastoral Support Coordinator

Our PSC supports both students and parents and responsible for day to day pastoral support, 1 to 1 work with students, home visits, in-year admission, group work and liaison with outside agencies. 

Student Support  team Administrator 

Oversees rewards & sanctions, celebration assemblies, house competitions & events.

Inclusion Centre 

We have a designated Inclusion Centre to aid students who struggle to attend school due to mental or physical illness.


Please visit our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page.


First aiders in school are trained to assess which steps should be taken should an accident occur or when a pupil is unwell. First aid treatment may be given for cuts, abrasions and suspected broken limbs. If necessary, hospitals will be contacted and where possible, parents telephoned, though it may be necessary to carry out emergency measures before this is possible.

If we have a completed parental/carer consent in place, we will give students paracetamol for minor conditions such as headaches.  By giving your consent, you are giving your permission for the school to act on your behalf in administering pain relief and accept that we will do so without contacting you first.

Tring School Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding Statement

At Tring School, the health, safety and well-being of every student is of paramount concern. As a Church of England school, our Christian ethos underpins all that we do and our values of hope and wisdom form an integral part of our daily life.   We place great emphasis on listening to our students and taking seriously what they tell us. Our aim is for children to enjoy their time as students in this school. We want to work in partnership with you to help your child achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution. 

The Department of Education, through Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE 2018) and Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE 2022), places a duty on organisations to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people. At Tring School we are fully committed to safeguarding and ensuring the welfare of all our students.

To promote a safe environment for students, our selection and recruitment policy includes all checks on staff and regular volunteers' suitability, including Disclosure and Barring Service checks, as recommended by Hertfordshire County Council in accordance with current legislation.

Safeguarding Team

  • Designated Senior Person (DSP) Mr Nigel Barlow | Assistant Headteacher
  • Deputy DSP Mr Chris Lickfold | Assistant Headteacher
  • Deputy DSP Mrs Lucy Williams | Deputy Headteacher

All have received appropriate training for this role. It is their responsibility to ensure that all staff in contact with children receive child protection training on a regular basis.  In addition, the school has  other staff who are trained DSPs, they are:

  • Miss M Burns - Assistant KS5 Director | Social Sciences
  • Mr Alex Deller - Pastoral Support Worker
  • Mrs Ruth Georgiades - Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs Katie Goodchild - Pastoral Support Worker
  • Miss Emma Goodyear - Head of Ascott House
  • Miss Ellie-May Gosling - Well Being Leader
  • Mr Ian Holmes - KS5 Director of Achievement / Media
  • Mrs Louise Jones - Senior Leader
  • Mrs Steph Langdon - Head of Claydon
  • Mr Richard Lovell - Head of Halton
  • Mrs Charlotte Mills - Head of Waddesdon
  • Mrs Sam Moore - Pastoral Support
  • Mrs Jacky Parsons - Neurodiversity Lead
  • Mrs Lindsey Rolfe - Assistant Head | English
  • Miss Julie Stefan - Sixth Form Student Support Manager
  • Mrs Claire Trump - Lead Practitioner

Safeguarding Team Poster is displayed around the school, a copy can be found in the folder at the bottom of this page.

There are occasions that our concern about a student may mean that we have to consult other agencies. Whilst we would always aim to work in partnership with parents there may be exceptions to this when concerns are raised for the protection of a student. 

On very rare occasions Social Care, whilst undertaking an investigation under section 47 of the Children Act 1989, may want to speak to a student without parents' knowledge. This would be a decision made in collaboration with our partner agencies and would only be done in situations where a student might be at immediate risk. To gain consent at this point may increase the level of risk to the student or cause evidence of a crime to be lost. 

The procedures, which we follow, have been laid down by the Local Safeguarding Children's Board, and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all. If you want to know more about our procedures, please speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.

The school’s Child Protection, Safeguarding and On-line Safety Policy can all be found on the school website in our school policies section.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child, please contact one of these people immediately. The school’s telephone number is 01442822303.

Our named Governors for Safeguarding is Mrs Nicci Boddam-Whetham. 

Nigel Barlow

Assistant Headteacher & Designated Senior Person

January 2024


Safeguarding Poster Date  
Safeguarding Poster 2024 07th May 2024 Download
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