
Philosophy & Ethics

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Philosphy & Ethics at A Level is a subject that, by its nature, requires candidates to consider individual, moral, ethical, social, cultural and contemporary issues. The Russell group of universities has made it clear that A Level PRS provides ‘suitable preparation for university’ and Oxford and Cambridge include it in their top list of ‘suitable arts’ A Levels. 

All modules taught across the course provide opportunities to:

  • Investigate ultimate questions such as " why does evil exist?" and " what is the purpose of life?"
  • Develop your interest in a rigorous study of religion and belief and relate it to the wider world.
  • Study topics that explain the diversity of life and religion in the modern world
  • Improve philosophical thinking skills and the ability to think outside of the box
  • Understand contemporary ethical and religious issues such as medical ethics and religious fundamentalism
  • Develop communication skills and learn to clearly express your views and increase your self-confidence

If you’d like to hear more about taking PRS as a subject or, the career opportunities that PRS has to offer, please click here, here and here.

Exam Board: EDUQAS

Please use this link to access the specification website. 


Grade 5 in GCSE English and if GCSE PRS (Religious Studies) has been taken a grade 5 will be required.

Enrichment & Extra Curricular

We aim to take students to as many conferences to support knowledge as possible. We encourage students to visit places of worship and ask Christian religious leaders questions around their course. We also encourage watching the news.

Course Content & Assessment

Key Stage 5

At KS5 the course is split into 3 components: philosophy, ethics and Christianity. The GCSE course really complements the A-Level course allowing for good outcomes and understanding by all. The amount of content that needs to be covered has resulted in the delivery being split up between Mrs Perry and Ms Tullett so that students can simultaneously study Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity.

The Eduqas A Level in Religious Studies encourages learners to: develop their interest in a rigorous study of religion and belief and relate it to the wider world; develop knowledge and understanding appropriate to a specialist study of religion; develop an understanding and appreciation of religious thought and its contribution to individuals, communities and societies; adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion; and reflect on and develop their own values, opinions and attitudes in the light of their study.  The A Level Religious Studies is designed to enable learners to develop their interest in, and enthusiasm for, a study of religion and its place in the wider world.

This is a brilliant A Level course which leads to many possibilities, whether it be further study or job opportunities. A level Religious Studies can provide you with excellent transferable skills, from essay writing, developing confidence in debating, to developing the ability to appreciate other viewpoints. These skills can be incredibly helpful in a range of University degrees involving critical thinking and discussion e.g. Humanities, English, Psychology, PPE.  Religious Studies or a related subject at degree level can lead to a range of challenging and rewarding jobs, using either direct knowledge gained from the subject or from the skills gained. Possible jobs from a Religious Studies degree include: lecturing, teaching, doctor, lawyer, advice worker, archivist, work within 'third sector' organisations, counselling, community development worker, EGSR Business roles (environmental governance and social responsibilities and representation) and police officer or youth worker - to name just a few.

PRS overall

PRS provides a platform for students to understand the world we live in, the issues that people face across the world, and the philosophical and ethical viewpoints of a number of religions, cultures and societies whilst promoting British Values in every topic covered. In addition, this subject teaches tolerance and empathy – making it unique and massively important in making students well-rounded citizens.  Finally, due to the wide range of topics covered and issues discussed, this subject is brilliant for cross-curricular links with History, Geography, Art, Science, English and Maths.

PRS Curriculum Map


Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Subject Leader Mrs J Perry
Assistant Subject Leader (KS3) Ms S Tullett (Tuesday to Friday)
  Miss R Makbul
  Mr T Oswald
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